I need to breathe. Oh wait, let me correct that. I need to die. Like now...
Highly doubting my own capabilities. Trying to balance things and when I eventually do, some people need to come and topple them over again. Going to run out of air and energy soon and might just land myself in the hospital. Oh good, first hand exposure of the hospital and being a patient there. Great...looking forward to it.
Realised something today from a song. And I find that it's pretty true or more like it's becoming true by the day. I'm losing myself to somebody I'm not. Plus, I find myself sleeping very often. Like whenever I have to think about something, I just get sleepy and I tend to sleep. And I don't get up at all till its the next morning, regardless of the time I fell asleep the night before. Signs of evading things I guess. Running away from thinking about things which I have to consider every night. This is the time where I really mean.. "Lord, help me". I desperately need a holiday. Even a 2 days 1 night holiday would be fine at this moment. Just take me away from everything... Feel like I can barely handle it and I might just jump from a building. Urgh...what Michelle said is right. We FES students need a mid-semester break. Break from all the SHIT. Totally agree...
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