Oh God. Presentation was....a blunder like always. Nothing new. I think the problem was mostly, and I would say entirely due to the LANGUAGE. If it was in the International Language called ENGLISH, I would have done better and explained better without stuttering. And to have stupid people asking me stupid question in front of the whole class and no one understood what the dude was saying....it's just "great". I think the dude took the term "freedom of speech" too far. If you were to beat around the bush and make sense, it would still be fine. But if you beat around the bush and around the entire world and still not make any sense, means you're a total idiot for sure. Oh well, it's done. Can't help it anymore. I have no idea what to expect from Moral. Really... It's termed the "Dumb Subject" although I learned a bit of "dumb" things in class.
I got a shock and was quite taken aback when I received the email about expectations and people doing wrong things. Oh God. I don't know who did the "wrongs", but it sure ain't me. Somehow find the email rather.....don't know how to say. Urgh....living up to expectations.
Body seems to be malfunctioning. Started shaking and feeling weak plus nausea after dinner. As a Biomedical Science student, I seriously have no idea what's wrong even after studying so much. Great isn't it??
nonsense crapped by
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