Well well well.....
In normal situations, I prefer to remain neutral. But in this case... I think things have gone a little out of hand.
Things to ponder about:
1. If things (squabbles, arguments, miscommunications..etc) are over and done, why not just leave them where they belong? How would it make you look like you're the better person by bitching about it through your blog over and over again?? Or by keeping it at the edge of your mouth?
2. Do you really think that undermining others would make you seem any better? Oh please...
3. Does age really make people wiser than they used to be?
Note: I've seen a couple of cases that may beg to differ
4. Will "manipulation" earn its rightful place in the characteristics of friends?
I truly believe that I know a psycho a.k.a. nutcase a.k.a. cuckoo.
Tsk tsk...
What a low and petty thing you've done...
Beyond help...
Silence is Golden...
Not saying anything or not retaliating does not mean that you've won over and it doesn't mean that we're incapable of doing anything either...
At the end of the day, the beautiful world you've built around you will fall down and you won't even realise it because you're busy doing what....??
You'll be done before you know it
nonsense crapped by
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