Getting fat, fatter and soon going to be the fattest of them all. *bwah!!!* The fatness is overwhelming now and it's's taking control. NOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Biostatics and Differential calculus is driving me nuts. Like really nuts... Got back my maths coursework marks just now. Hmm...don't know what to say but I guess my marks is ok....for me at least. Anatomy test 2 results was a disappointment. Effects of loafing around and going out till late at night the night before the test. Less is needed to say about Metabolic Biochemistry results. I don't want to know about it.
Just the thought of people planning to drop out of my course is rather scary. Proves that not everyone can cope with it. I'm....trying.... Need to get pass it no matter what.
Tomorrow is the start of Orientation Committee of May '08 meeting. Nervous at how I'm going to perform as a leader. ><
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