Woah...final week of the so called holidays. The miserable 2 and half weeks just flashed by with me doing practically nothing. Yay!!
I seriously need to slap myself to make myself believe that I'm going into Year 3!! Final year!! Oh no!! How did I come so far?? Hmm.... actually when I was in 1st year, I never thought of making so far. I thought I was going to give up somewhere in Year 2 when it gets tough and when reality bites me in the neck. But... the journey continues....
Hmm... I think on and off, we do need to take a look back. Look at where we came from and how far we've gotten now. Learn from the past to make sure that we never repeat any stupidities (as quoted from a friend). And I do realise that I've come quite a long way. Heck...I didn't even think I would become Chairman of the Student Council for my own campus. So, it's a pretty big leap for me.
Now that my term as chairman is almost over, I guess I wouldn't do anything to change things even if I had the chance to go back and change things. No doubt, there are bitter sweet moments. But all-in-all, the experience was great. From getting to know more people, finding new friendships to gaining experiences in so many things that classes could never have thought. Of course, it gave me a chance to get a taste of the harsh reality of working life. Duh...
Well, I hope I did good for my term in the eyes of my campus' students. I can safely say that I did the best I could to help make a change in my own campus.
In 2 years time, I went from a person who stepped into the uni that doesn't want anything else but to just study and be a nerd...to a person who went all out to strive for changes. And of course, I did what I KNOW is right. Not what I THINK is right. So yeah...there you go. Of course, I had added pressure and stress too!! Everyone knows how to complain about us not doing anything. Then who's going to make up for all my added pressure and stress? And failings? Crap...
Besides all the junk above....
Kris Allen won!!!
Yes, I believe he deserves every bit of it no matter what other people say that Adam Lambert should've won.
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