heaven knows

my life in grey

Went for cell yesterday night and learned something. Cheating people. Well, when we say we cheat on someone, everyone will take it in a bad way no doubt. But what I learned was..."cheat on those you must cheat but never cheat on your loved ones". Very very true. We were watching a conference that was talking about this. It's interesting and really true. There's only so much you can help someone or do for someone, there's only so much work you can get done in a day. But you're wasting all those time just to do those things and neglect those that really care and love you.

Lesson of the day: "the lesser you do, the more you accomplish"

Sounds ridiculous right? But it makes sense. Things will fall into place eventually. Never apply the "if i don't......, it won't....". Fill in the blanks yourself. Learn to say no to things or people and set your priorities because you'll end up trying to please everyone if you don't.

So, spend time with those people that you care for and love. Even if you haven't heard from them for a long time, learn to reach out and you might never know the reply you'll get from them. Don't get buried in work or doing something else all the time.


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