Almost the end of the first week of 2nd semester. Feels different to be back in uni. Finally got my parking sticker. Now I can proudly drive into campus. Lol.. No more parking far far away and risk getting summoned. It's going to be a busy and crazy semester. Wonder if I'm capable of catching up. Sigh...
Had a gathering in my youth pastor's place on sunday. Barbeque and all. Organized by me. Grateful it didn't rain at night. Think everyone had a great time, only the food wasn't really enough for those big eaters I guess. People got thrown into the pool again. Seems to be a tradition wherever there is a pool. Hmm...
Now after the Orientation is done, here comes the post mortem. Just had the post mortem meeting today. Discussed all the problems faced throughout the whole process and parts where we can improve on in the future. I got an offer to continue in RCM for the next semester as well as participate in SRC. Hmm.... not sure what to do yet. Still considering.
While typing out this post, I find myself to be seriously monotonous. I know why myself. I managed to watch a movie on astro just now entitled Comeback Season. It's a funny story but with very good meaning. Wish it could be that way.
I threw away something that I could never find back ever again
nonsense crapped by
Few days ago, I got a call from a malay guy. This was the conversation....
the dude: hello, zarul....bla bla bla...
mua: huh? salah nombor.
the dude: hah?? banyak la kau ni. *continues talking*
mua: ......*swt*. betul salah nombor la.
the dude: hah?....*momentary silence*. sorry...*puts down phone*
Omg man. Is my BM that screwed? I don't think so right? The dude actually thought I was joking. Goodness... He must have been under a lot of stress. Poor dude...It got to his brain until it couldn't function to process and understand the phrase salah nombor.
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