The goodness of holiday!!! Eventhough its for a day. Yeesh....
Although its only a day, but at least it gives me time to breathe and get a lot of work done. I think. At the beginning of this week, Chia told me something while we were in Anatomy lab....
Chia: "Pearly, you want to know something? We have anatomy lab test on the 25th, maths test on the 29th, anatomy test 2 on the 31st and metabolic biochem test on the 3rd. Isn't that GREAT?"
Serious swtness. He just had to remind me and make me panic. in panic. 4 tests in 2 weeks. Almost all reading subject. HELP!!!!!..... Haven't include the part where we have to do reports and tutorials still. ARGH...!!!!! No need to sleep already. Brain juice used up dry.
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