Every week...test
Every Saturday...test
Tomorrow...lab test
Monday...Neurobio test
Life revolves around...test
Eat...think about test
Before sleep...study for test
Wake up...go for test
During test...think about answers for test
Fatness thanks to...test
Indigestion thanks to...test
Not enough sleep because of...test
My brains...going through test
My patience...also sitting for test
My life...is being tested
The keyword is.... TEST!!!
It's all about TESTS.
Finally reached the verdict on whether or not to shift out. Verdict is... unnecessary to shift. This is all thanks to the crammed up timetable that I have for next semester. Although it's crammed up, but it only involves 3 days. So, it's good and bad. Not to mention, Final Year Project coming up. Not sure at all how I'm going to go about it. I might end up blowing up the lab or causing some high level contamination that leads to mutation of dislikable lecturers. Who knows...??
But right now I need to mutate my brain cells to make me smarter...which is s impossible.
nonsense crapped by
2 wishful thoughts:
Don kena me can d ... kena all those lecturers WAHAHAHA
LOL... I've never seen someone rhyme with the word 'test' any better then you Sista!
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