Well well... I just got back from an outing with uni friends. Today is suppose to be meeting day. So yeah...I had my committee meeting and all. Then I headed off to fetch my friend and we came all the way back to Subang for lunch. Hehe..
We then decided to crash my place to watch the pathetic show called Enchanted. It's really not worth watching. Seriously. I actually fell asleep after watching half an hour of the show. Even Winnie fell asleep after me. But Amelia actually watched the whole show!! Salute wei...
After much of lazing around in my house, we went out for dinner with another friend. Our actual venue for dinner was steamboat...but it was closed!! Darn..of all days. So we went to pyramid to have our dinner. And we ended up walking aimlessly in Pyramid. At one point, we just looked down at the ice-skating rink and watch people skate and fall.
Man...the ice-skating rink looks like something else to me. Like those things which I've always wanted to do, have always said that I will attempt it soon but never did manage to even do it, I'
ll always look from afar. Yeah...it's sad I know.
Oh well, life's like that I guess. But today is a true testimony to Him and I really thank Him and am so grateful. For weeks, my mom told me some problem about my financial aid thing. And today it just became worse. I was really worried after I left campus. But THANK GOD that in the evening, mom came back with good news. They finally found the problem to the error. A true testimony...
nonsense crapped by
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