heaven knows

my life in grey

Today is the unofficial day that classes resume. It's unofficial because of all the lazy asses that conveniently skip the one and only class today. Otherwise, it would be official. Actually it's partially the lecturer's fault too for canceling some of the classes.

I have just been told today that I have a replacement tutorial on friday. So my one and only 2 hour break is cut down to 30 freaking minutes!! Yeah....we're so not human at this point. Class from 9am right till 6pm.

Sickness still continues. Was looking like a zombie this morning. Think I don't look so bad now.....I THINK. Anyways, if I do look bad tomorrow, make-up will have to come into place then. So that I don't scare my coursemates. The moment I got home, I....slept. Without taking lunch and hardly ate anything for breakfast. I popped 2 panadols before going to sleep....head pounding like nuts. I was so tempted to eat the whole strip of panadol. But.... I just wrote my report on paracetamol/panadol overdose. So yeah...it'll be so not logical for me to do that. I'll probably see the psychiatrist the following day if I do.

I studied my Anatomy & Physiology till I'm mad. Everything in my head is anatomy. I feel so bad for my metabolic biochemistry. I'm so going to fail the test. Sigh... I need help.

0 wishful thoughts:

Life in my own colours and music

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